Collaborates with the Pastor and Director of Liturgy the vision for the liturgical year, liturgical season and sacramental celebrations.
Oversees and plans music for all liturgies including weekend, weekday, school liturgies, penance services, baptisms, etc.
Directs and accompanies choirs.
Maintain and update worship hymnals and worship aides.
Foster parishioner participation in music. Recruit, screen, train, enrich cantors and choir members.
Plan and coordinate practices and rehersals.
Documents readings, songs, petitions, etc for each Mass and service as a reference. Ensures copyright and licensing requirement permissions for music.
Ensures organ, piano and other instruments are maintained, repaired and tuned as needed.
Prepare annual budget, monitor expenses and revenues.
Attend staff meetings and other ministry meetings at the request of the Pastor.
Experience leading Catholic liturgy, including liturgical documents and music.
Knowledge of the Roman Missal, lectionary, liturgical year, liturgical norms and regulations and liturgical tradition and practice.
Performance skills for keyboard and other musical instruments and voice.
Working knowledge of MS office products.
Professional working attitde and collaborative approch.
Strong verbal and written communication skills.