Catholic Home Missions
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Catholic Home Missions

Catholic Home Missions

The bishops' Subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions is a grant-making agency. It offers financial support to missionary activities that strengthen the Catholic Church in the United States, and in its territories and former territories. Through its annual fundraising campaign, the Catholic Home Missions Appeal, Catholic Home Missions educates American Catholics about mission needs and invites them to assist fellow Catholics in the practice of the faith.  

The Appeal primarily supports home mission dioceses, that is, those dioceses in the United States that are unable to offer their people the basic pastoral ministries of word, worship, and service without outside help. It may also give grants to other dioceses in the U.S. for particular projects, and to organizations and religious communities engaged in missionary work. 

The Subcommittee funds a wide range of pastoral services. However, it principally focuses on (1) evangelization activities, (2) religious education, (3) ministry training for priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and laypeople; (4) support of poor parishes across the country.



You may contribute to Combined Collections: Church in Mission by donating online using our secured page.

You may also make a donation by mailing your check (made out to Combined Collections) to:

Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Development Office
Combined Collections
3501 S. Lake Dr.
P.O. Box 070912
St. Francis, WI 53235

For questions, please call Michele Nabih at 414-769-3323.

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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