Mission Curriculum and Catholic Social Teaching
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Mission Curriculum and Catholic Social Teaching

World Mission Ministries has developed curriculum aids to help incorporate global issues and awareness into your lesson planning.

Mission Curriculum and Catholic Social Teaching

World Mission Ministries has developed curriculum aids to help incorporate global issues and awareness into your lesson planning. 

These are organized around the concepts of Catholic Social Teaching. They contain:

  • a description of how the Catholic Social Teaching item applies in a global context
  • a list of vocabulary items
  • activities you can do in your classes
  • biblical references, connections and other resource links.

Click on a link below to download the lesson.

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

Rights and Responsibilities

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers


Care for God's Creation


Please note: These lesson plans were created in 2012, updated in 2014 and 2016, and reviewed in 2018. We do our best to update them, but we know that resources change quickly.  Therefore; if you find a link, statistic, or resource that is out of date, or have a suggestion for a new link or resource we could include, please click here to e-mail us.  Please include the theme/name of the lesson in your description. We appreciate your help in making these lessons as useful and dynamic as possible!

(Contributors: Kathleen Cullen, Anne Haines, Elizabeth Howayeck, Antoinette Mensah, Sandy Milligan, Denise Murre, LeAnn Rogan)






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