A Family of Families- My time in Quito
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After my 5 week visit in March 2010, I could only think “I hope this is not my last visit to Quito because I feel still like there is so much more I can give to the center and can't wait to show more pictures of these precious children and my time here at the center and in Quito. I am going to miss the kids without a doubt…they have so little, yet the smallest gesture, such as buying them an ice cream scoop can go a far way or seeing a mother before a house visit receive a quarter for the bus ride.” These thoughts and phrases were used in my blog when I was here in March.

Now as a committed year-long volunteer, I have reached the 2-month mark…which is just crazy to think. I have been meaning to blog but been busy and really want to take the time to write my blog and express my feelings, thoughts and what I have been doing. So enough time has passed where I can write more and have some free time to write!

Day to day, the routine becomes more familiar…classes are becoming more comfortable to speak in and faces and names are more recognizable. Many days I have bursts of energy where I just want to play with the kids in and outside of class and other days are exhausting where I just want to go to my room and take a long nap. I think a combined effort of early mornings, teaching, children climbing on your body, kids complaining and fighting with others, and the altitude can really take a lot out of you in 1 day! Not a day has passed where I think about these kids and families and the life they live. The center is their life, as it is mine, for a year. For the most part I would say I am an easy-going teacher, but there are times where you need to yell so the kids understand that you are serious and this is a class room setting and respecting your classmates, classroom and teacher are very important. After the occasional 2 minute yell…I usually try to comfort the child by explaining I want to be their friend as well as their professor.


Submitted by: Cassie Nesheim, Long-term Volunteer at Working Boys Center, Quito-Ecuador

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