Immigration: Welcoming the Stranger
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Catholics believe that we are all brothers and sisters. As such we are hard-wired to work for immigration reform. From our treasured belief in the Mystical Body of Christ, our favorite passages of Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, the Catholic Relief Fund, Catholic Charities, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, we are called to care for our neighbors, as we do for ourselves.

Migration is a push-pull reality that is found in every area in the world, including the areas where we Catholics live and move and have our being. People are pushed from their homeland because they can’t provide for their families and pulled to a new land, lured by the availability of work. This is especially true here in the United States.

Even with the difficult economy, more than 11 million undocumented immigrants now live and work in our country. They came without documentation because currently there are no legal avenues for low-wage immigrants to enter the United States. And there are currently no legal ways for them to adjust their legal status once they are here. In short, they are here because there is work, but there is presently no possibility for them to be here legally.

Our Catholic Bishops are clear that the current immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed now. The current system violates our Catholic religious values. It separates families, allows workers to be exploited, and causes people to live in fear-filled shadows. According to Archbishop Thomas Wenski, “Immigrants aren’t breaking the law. The law is breaking them.”

You can join us in continuing the long and cherished tradition of caring for our neighbors. Join in the campaigns to change policies and legislation so our immigrant brothers and sisters can enjoy the human dignity that our tradition promises for all of us!

Reflections from the Border
Sr. Barbara Pfarr, SSND, has spent time on the U.S.-Mexico border talking with workers, public officials and humanitarian organizations. Click here to read about her experiences.

Additional Resources and Important Documents on Immigration

Justice for Immigrants is a campaign for immigration reform led by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity (2000)- USCCB Pastoral Statement challenges us to welcome new immigrants and refugees with open arms and calls us to embrace our diversity and focus on our common humanity.

USCCB Committee on Migration- sets broad policies and direction for the Church’s work in the area of migration.

The Immigration Policy Center is a research and policy organization that works with the public, media and policymakers to provide accurate information about the role of immigrants and immigration policy on U.S. society. It provides many useful facts and is non-partisan.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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