Bulletin announcements for parishes to use and distribute.
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Welcome to the page designed for distributing announcements to parishes for their bulletins and websites. These announcements have been submitted for archdiocesan promotion or advertise an archdiocesan event. To submit an announcement for promotion on this site, please contact the Communication Office using the form at the bottom of the page.
Click on each heading to preview all of the announcements for that section. To insert an announcement in your bulletin, simply highlight the text and copy and paste it into a Word document or Publisher file. Right click on PDFs and images to download them. Parish websites may link directly to this page to share all of the announcements, or certain announcements may be shared individually.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Keys to Hope and Healing.
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Use these bulletin announcements to promote Raising Saints in the Modern World.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote My Parish Matters.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the National Migration Week.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Vatican II Awards.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Respect Life Church Hall meeting.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Emmaus 90.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Rosary for Healing.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Jubilee Celebration.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Red Mass.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Combined Collection.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Hispanic Youth Conference.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Perimenopause Prep Event.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the White Mass.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Asian Pacific Islander Unity Day.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Friends through Pens.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Project Rachel.
Text to copy and paste into bulletin layout:
Are you or someone you love suffering from a previous abortion decision?
Contact Project Rachel for confidential, free and non-judgmental help, hope and healing. www.archmil.org/ProjectRachel (414) 389-8822 ProjectRachel@archmil.org
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Deacon Recruitment.
Use this bulletin announcement to promote Campus Ministry.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote a Safe Environment.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Archdiocesan jobs.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Single Again: Support Group for the Separated and Divorced.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Good News Video Message.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Living Our Faith Podcast.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Catholic Herald.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Hispanic Catholic Conference.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote National Migration Week.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Anouncio Iglesia National Polaca.
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Use these bulletin announcements to promote ILLF.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Catholic Stewardship Appeal IN SPANISH.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Catholic Stewardship Appeal IN ENGLISH.
Know a loved one who needs daytime care? Or a senior who lives at home?
Check out Catholic Charities ADULT DAY CENTER where members enjoy:
Open weekdays 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at 1919 N. 60th St, Milwaukee
New members welcome - call today! 414.771.6063 Email: ajankowski@ccmke.org
Use these bulletin announcements to promote the Saint Francis de Sales Seminary’s 22nd Annual Dinner.
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Use these bulletin announcements to promote Thrive for Life Prison Project.
Use these bulletin announcements to promote Catholic Charities.
Annual Seminary Dinner
Zeal for the Lord’s House Saint Francis de Sales Seminary’s 22nd Annual Dinner will be an evening to remember! Meet the 90 amazing men who are answering the Lord’s call. Learn about the Seminary’s mission of forming priests in the image of Jesus Christ. Experience true hope for the future of our Church! We invite you to join hundreds of faithful Catholics in the Baird Center’s new fourth-floor ballroom in Milwaukee on Friday, October 4. The evening will fill you with joy! If you are unable to attend, you can still offer important help by sponsoring a seminarian. Please support our Seminary and our priests! Visit www.sfs.edu/AnnualDinnerfor details, or call (414)747-6463.
Volunteers Needed
St. Camillus is currently looking for volunteers who are interested in sharing their time and talents by serving the elderly with compassion and love. Providing comfort and support to those who are aging helps us make a difference in the lives of our residents. Volunteer schedules are flexible and we offer a wide selection of rewarding opportunities from helping our residents to attend mass, to providing companionship, assisting with activities, transportation, special events and research projects. Come and be a part of an amazing team and experience our campus wide culture of service from the heart. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at: (414)259-4652 or visit our website at: www.stcam.com/volunteering-at-st-camillus
If you would like to submit a bulletin announcement for publication on this site, please complete this form and your announcement will be reviewed.
First Name
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Email Address
Parish or Organization
Bulletin Announcement (200 words or less)
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235