We need Catholic education today now more than ever. Catholic schools are an essential ministry of the Church and are evidence of God’s love throughout our communities.
This past year, we were challenged to build character and academic capabilities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful for the powerful response from our Catholic schools across the 10-county archdiocese – from school administrators, teachers and staff, as well as parents and families.
When we chose the archdiocesan Catholic schools theme of “We teach you like family,” we had no idea how fitting it would become. Given the realities of pandemic learning, our theme could easily be restated as “We teach you with family.” Through it all, we’ve leaned on each other as a Catholic school family –one that not only supports the child, but also supports the parent/s and families involved in the child’s formation.
As we continue to adapt and evolve in these unique times, the promise to deliver the best education for a healthy mind, body and spirit remains stronger than ever. Our school staff cares for and welcomes students and families of all faiths, while providing hope, security and safety at a time when it is needed most. By sending your child to a Catholic school, you are helping your son or daughter grow into a faithful citizen that will make our community a better place.
To learn more, find a Catholic school near you.
Catholic Schools at a Glance
- 85 elementary schools
- 16 high schools
- 10 counties in southeastern Wisconsin
- 26,969 students enrolled in the 2022-2023 school year
Catholic schools transform our local and global communities into centers of faith, hope and charity by fulfilling the commission of Jesus to “Go and make disciples of all.” (Matt. 28: 18-20)
Mission: Office for Schools
The Office for Schools participates in the evangelizing mission of the Church by providing service, support, and professional resources to the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to ensure their long-term viability and excellence in faith development, academics, and formation of the whole student.