Catechetical Conference Speakers
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Catechetical Conference Speakers

Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s

Catechetical Conference

August 22-24, 2024



Speakers & Topics

**Topics Subject to Change

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Workshops - Round 1 (9:30 AM)

Intro & Overview of the RCIA* | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, Strategic Partnership Liaison - Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

Adapting Programs for Special Needs^ | Megan Wedwick, Director of Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities - Diocese of Madison

Praying and Teaching the Difficult Pslams | Dr. Gary Klump, Assistant Professor of Sacred Studies - Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology

Back to Basics: Curriculums, Textbooks, & Sacramental Prep | Office of Evangelization & Catechesis

*Part 1 of a 4-part, all-day workshop track

^Part 1 of a 2-part morning workshop track

Workshops - Round 2 (10:45 AM)

Diving Into Pre-Evangelization & Inquiry* | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, Strategic Partnership Liaison - Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

Adapting Programs for Special Needs^ | Megan Wedwick, Director of Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities - Diocese of Madison

Mental Health 101 for Parish Staff | Mitch Mueller, LPC SAC-IT, LPCC, Mueller Counseling LLC

Back to Basics: Safe Environment | Cynthia Rivera-Garcia, MA, Safe Environment Program Manager & Sofia L. Thorn, BSW, MSW, LCSW, Victim Assistance Coordinator - Archdiocese of Milwaukee

*Part 1 of a 4-part, all-day workshop track

^Part 1 of a 2-part morning workshop track

Workshops - Round 3 (2:30 PM)

Forming Disciples in the Catechumenate* | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, Strategic Partnership Liaison - Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

The Science of Relational Faith Formation^ | Jarrett Wendt, MA, Founder - Built on Rock Parent Coaching; Pastoral Associate - St. Cecelia Parish, Ames, IA

The Art of Conflict & Interpersonal Issue Resolution | Judy Shownkeen, Director of Human Resources - Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Share Shop: The Future of the Eucharistic Revival | Margaret Rhody, Associate Director of Evangelization & Catechesis - Archdiocese of Milwaukee

*Part 1 of a 4-part, all-day workshop track

^Part 1 of a 2-part afternoon workshop track

Workshops - Round 4 (3:45 PM)

The Finish Line & Beyond - Purification & Mystagogy* | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, Strategic Partnership Liaison - Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

The Science of Relational Faith Formation^ | Jarrett Wendt, MA, Founder - Built on Rock Parent Coaching; Pastoral Associate - St. Cecelia Parish, Ames, IA

Building Great Core Teams | Tommy NelsonYouth Evangelization Coordinator - Diocese of Green Bay

Share Shop: Establishing a Culture of Welcome in Your Parish | Cindy Lukowitz, Director of Stewardship - Archdiocese of Milwaukee

*Part 1 of a 4-part, all-day workshop track

^Part 1 of a 2-part afternoon workshop track

Friday, August 23, 2024

Keynote (9:00 AM)


The Way of Beauty | Bill Donaghy, Senior Lecturer & Content Specialist - Theology of the Body Institute

Workshops (2:30 PM)

The Medium is the Message: Preaching the Gospel Through Art | Bill Donaghy, Senior Lecturer & Content Specialist - Theology of the Body Institute

Filling Your Cup: Finding Balance in the Apostolate | Grace Urbanski, Speaker & Author

The Beauty of Order: an Intro to Canon Law | Zabrina Decker, JCD, Tribunal Chancellor - Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Forming the Whole Parish Through Franciscan at Home | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey, Strategic Partnership Liaison - Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University

Saturday, August 24, 2024



The Way of Beauty | Bill Donaghy, Senior Lecturer & Content Specialist - Theology of the Body Institute

Amar al Máximo | Evan Lemoine, Profesor y Expositor de la Teología del Cuerpo - Instituto Amar al Máximo

Vayan y Hagan Discipulos | Fr. Juan Manuel Camacho, Pastor - Central Racine Parishes

Workshops - Children's Catechesis

What Am I Doing?? (Basic) | Fr. Joseph Heit, Associate Pastor - Family of Five Parishes, Milwaukee

Planning a Catechetical Lesson | Lisa Jachimiec, Director of Child Ministry - St. Leonard, Muskego

Classroom Management (Basic) | Tim Kasprzak, Assistant Principal - St. Matthias School, Milwaukee

The Neuro-Divergent Classroom (Advanced) | Christina Spindler, Founder & Director - The Journey Ministry

Living the Liturgical Year in Religious Ed (Advanced) Fr. Joseph Heit, Associate Pastor - Family of Five Parishes, Milwaukee

The Spirituality of the Catechist (Advanced) | Grace Urbanski, Speaker & Author

Workshops - Youth Formation

Being a Great Core Team Member (Basic) | TBA

Leading a Small Group 101 (Basic) | Meaghan Turner, Director of Catholic Formation - Lumen Christi, Mequon

Going Beyond the Curriculum (Basic) | Sarah Daszczuk, Director of Youth Ministry - Wauwatosa Tri-Parishes

Forming Teens as Leaders (Advanced) | Meaghan Turner, Director of Catholic Formation - Lumen Christi, Mequon

Leading a Small Group 201 (Advanced) | Sarah Daszczuk, Director of Youth Ministry - Wauwatosa Tri-Parishes

Addressing Tough Topics Around Love and Marriage (Advanced) | Krys Crawley, Director - Life's Connection

Workshops - Adult Formation

Overview & Goals of the RCIA (RCIA Teams) | Michelle Nilsson, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis - Diocese of Madison

Mastering the Period of Inquiry (RCIA Teams) | Michelle Nilsson, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis - Diocese of Madison

Making Things Personal (RCIA Teams) | Michelle Nilsson, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis - Diocese of Madison

Forming Adults Through Small Groups (Adult Formation) | Andre Lesperance, Senior Content Creator - Evangelical Catholic 

Becoming the Missionary Disciple God Created You to Be (Adult Formation) | Andre Lesperance, Senior Content Creator - Evangelical Catholic 

Helping Others Discover Abundant Life in Christ (Adult Formation) | Andre Lesperance, Senior Content Creator - Evangelical Catholic

Workshops - Español

Amar al Máximo, parte 2 y 3 | Evan Lemoine, Profesor y Expositor de la Teología del Cuerpo - Instituto Amar al Máximo

Discusión y Reflexión | Miguel Crespo, Maestro de Teología - St. Thomas More High School & Amelia Avila, Directór de la Programa de Formació de Fe - St. John Paul II, Milwaukee

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