Suggested Social Media
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Come to Me

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

Suggested Social Media Posts


Use these social media posts for your parish. Feel free to customize the text to fit your audience/community and encourage follower engagement by adding your Mass times.

Download the assets and additional text through Dropbox. If you have any issues, please reach out for assistance at (414) 769-3435,

Summer Series


Use these beautiful church images and accompanying saint quotes to encourage your parishioners to keep Christ at the center of their summer (and always!).

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Summer Series | Spanish


Use these beautiful church images and accompanying saint quotes to encourage your parishioners to keep Christ at the center of their summer (and always!).

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Pray for Life (Series)


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Pray for Ukraine 1

As war devastates the lives of so many in Ukraine, we come together as a faith community to pray for an end to the horrors that so many innocent people are facing. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us! #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #PrayForPeace

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Pray for Ukraine 2

In solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world, (PARISH NAME) prays for peace in Ukraine. Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. #Ukraine #PrayForUkraine #PrayForPeace

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Experience God’s unending love and mercy through the sacrament of reconciliation at our parish. (English and Spanish) 

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Ash Wednesday 

Join us for Ash Wednesday as we begin Lent and join Jesus on His journey toward the cross. (English and Spanish) 

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Stations of the Cross

Take up your cross – your pain and your worries – and follow Jesus, who gives new life through His ultimate sacrifice. (English and Spanish) 

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Holy Week

Come and Experience Jesus’ amazing love. Join us for Holy Week! (English, Spanish)

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Holy Triduum

Easter Triduum takes place from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery. (English, Spanish)

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Palm Sunday

Join us at Mass as we remember the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem – mere days before He was crucified on the cross. (English and Spanish)

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Holy Thursday

Join our parish community at Mass as we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus, and the institution of the Priesthood established 2,000 years ago. (English, Spanish)

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Good Friday

Join us for Good Friday Service as we remember and reflect on the death of Jesus Christ and His great suffering for our sins. (English and Spanish)

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Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, part of the Easter Triduum, is a time of great silence, where we join Mary in her sorrow as we wait for the resurrection of Jesus.(English and Spanish)

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Alleluia, He is risen! Join us at Mass and experience Jesus’ true presence in the Eucharist as we celebrate His triumphant victory over death. (English and Spanish)

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Holy Week & Easter

(English and Spanish)

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408