Sacramental Records Request
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Sacramental Records Request

Trying to find your sacramental records? Complete this form or contact the Archives office at 414-769-3407.

Please use the form below to request sacramental records that are located in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archives.

Not all sacramental records for closed parishes are in the archives.  Click here for list of closed parishes and the location of sacramental records. If you are still unsure please fill out this form WITH additional details and we will attempt direct you to the appropriate place.

If the parish is still open, contact the parish directly.

Genealogists, please see our Genealogical Resources and Information page

Please fill in (A) details of the sacramental record you are requesting, (B) your contact information, and please remember to limit yourself to one sacramental record per electronic request.

Petición para obtener un acta sacramental (presione aquí para descargar el formulario)
Por favor use esta forma para solicitar un acta de Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, o Matrimonio a los Archivos de la Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee. Si los Archivos no tienen las actas sacramentales de la iglesia en donde se celebró el sacramento, intentaremos enviar su solicitud a la iglesia correspondiente, siempre y cuando la iglesia se encuentre en la Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee.  Nota, solamente podemos facilitar actas sacramentales a la persona del acta, o a su padre/madre si su hijo(a) es menor de 18 años.

A - Details of the sacrament

Baptism     First Communion   Confirmation   Marriage  

Name on Record:

 (Your Name)
Name of Spouse: For marriage record only
Church Required - If unknown you MUST provide details below
City:  Required
Date of Birth:  Required
Date/Year of Sacrament: Required - If unknown, approximate

Father's Name:

Mother's (Maiden) Name:  Required
Spouse's Father's Name: For marriage record only
Spouse's Mother's Maiden Name: For marriage record only


If you do not know where this sacrament took place please provide the following details:

  • Address at the time of the sacrament
  • Date/place of First Holy Communion, if received
  • Date/place of Confirmation, if received
  • Date/place of your Catholic marriage, if applicable

There is no master database listing where every single person received a sacrament.

Searches are done on a parish by parish basis.

We cannot search every church in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. 

If we do not have sufficient information we may not be able find your record.  Please be specific.

Are you researching genealogy?  Please use this form instead.  Resources and information regarding genealogical records can be found here.

B. Contact Information

Name: Required
Address Line 1: Required
Address Line 2:  


State: Required
Zip Code: Required


Phone number:  
E-mail: Required
Relationship to name on record:  
Purpose of request: Required
  I affirm that I am 18 years of age, the information given is correct, and I take full responsibility for the use of this information. Required


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408