The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has designated funds for the education and formation of professional lay ministers who serve in its parishes and other archdiocesan ministries in paid positions.
Ongoing formation, which strengthens ministerial identity, as well as enhances ministerial skills, is not a luxury to be pursued when time and resources allow, but is rather a permanent necessity for every ecclesial minister, lay or ordained. (Coworkers in the Vineyard of the Lord, USCCB, 2005, p. 51)
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has designated funds for the education and formation of professional lay ministers who serve in its parishes and other archdiocesan ministries in paid positions. The Continuing Formation for Lay Ministry Fund (CFLMF) is available to assist lay ministers within the Archdiocese who meet its criteria. The Fund is available to assist lay ministers in the continuing formation and enhancement of skills that will increase the lay minister’s capacity to minister in parishes or Catholic institutions within the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Funds are not guaranteed, but are based on funding available.
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Susan McNeil, M.Div Director 414-758-2214
Allie Karos Program & Event Coordinator 414-769-3395
Jim Trzebiatowski Administrative Assistant - CSR 414-758-2224
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235