“Any act of violence is always a tragedy for the entire community."
The following statement can be attributed to Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki:
“Any act of violence is always a tragedy for the entire community. A random act of violence makes no sense. When an act of violence is perpetrated on a sister who has dedicated her life to performing good works and serving the community in the name of Jesus, that act of violence is magnified in a multitude of ways. Recently, Sr. Margaret Held and Sr. Paula Merrill were found dead in their home in what may have been a criminal act in Mississippi. The perpetrator of the crime robbed not only the School Sisters of St. Francis, but also the entire Church of women whose lives were spent in service.
“Sr. Margaret was from Wisconsin, so she carried with her the spirit of the religious experience and community found in our local Catholic Church. I offer my prayers to the School Sisters of St. Francis, who have done so much for us here in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, to the relatives and families of Sr. Margaret and Sr. Paula, and to all of those whose lives were touched by their ministry.”