Statement on McCarrick Report
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Archbishop Listecki's Statement on the Release of the McCarrick Report

The news of the upcoming release of the McCarrick report is painful, but necessary. The victims of abuse, the Church and its members, along with the rest of society and future generations, all suffer from clergy sexual abuse, misconduct and scandals. Not bringing these crimes into the light only deepens the wound and does not allow the Church a process of exposing the wrongdoing and sin.

Bishops are not immune from reports of misconduct. Reporting is possible through the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service website.

If you or someone you know is being abused or you suspect abuse is occurring, contact your local law enforcement department immediately. Any instance of abuse involving a person currently under 18 years of age (minor) should immediately be reported to the civil authorities. Locate the civil authorities in the 10 counties of the archdiocese.

If you or someone you know was abused as a minor by clergy or church personnel, call your local police, sheriff or district attorney’s office to file a criminal report.

Reports can also be made to the Victim Assistance Coordinator who is available to support abuse survivors.  A formal complaint of abuse can be made to the archdiocese by calling the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 414-758-2232.

An alternative way to make a formal report for those not wanting to contact the archdiocese is available to you 24 hours a day/7 days a week through the Healing Center website or by calling 414-219-5555.

You may visit for more information on how the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is taking steps to heal and protect from clergy sexual abuse.

Together, as the Body of Christ, let us be vigilant in our prayer for the continued healing of victims of abuse.

Praise to you, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
source of all consolation and hope.
By your Son’s dying and rising
He remains our light in every darkness,
our strength in every weakness.
Be the refuge and guardian
of all who suffer from abuse and violence.
Comfort them and send healing
for their wounds of body, soul and spirit.
Rescue them from bitterness and shame
and refresh them with your love.
Heal the brokenness in all victims of abuse
and revive the spirits of all who lament this sin.
Help us to follow Jesus in drawing good from evil, life from death.
Make us one with you in your love for justice
as we deepen our respect
for the dignity of every human life.
Giver of peace,
make us one in celebrating your praise,
both now and forever.
(+ John F. Kinney, Bishop of Saint Cloud Imprimatur, given May 15, 2002)

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