Archdiocese of Milwaukee Hosts 2012 Educators’ Convention Oct. 12
Hundreds of K-12 educators from across the State will gather for the 2012 Catholic Educators’ Convention at the Frontier Airlines Center on Friday, October 12, 2012 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Administrators and teachers from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, as well as from four other Catholic dioceses in Wisconsin, are expected to attend. The theme of the Convention is: “Catholic Schools: Committed to Excellence.” Educators will learn more about three critical areas affecting student learning:
21st Century Learning through Technology;
Using Multiple Measures to Assess and Support Student Learning; and
Response to Intervention.
The convention coincides with the opening of the Year of Faith (Pope Benedict XVI’s proclamation to Catholics throughout the world) on October 11, 2012. Putting their faith in action, the teachers will attempt to collect 2,000 pounds of non-perishable food items for the hungry. The food will be donated to the Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will do a prayer services around noon to begin the luncheon. The archbishop and Dr. Kathleen A. Cepelka, superintendent, Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Schools, will also present Exemplary Recognition awards to four Catholic schools. The Exemplary Recognition program honors schools that have demonstrated innovation and outstanding results in curriculum development, information and technology, to name a few.
The keynote speaker is Greg Khuyvetter, superintendent, Catholic Schools, for the Diocese of Orange, Calif. A dedicated professional involved in educational technology for over 15 years, his presentation will shed light on “Digital Media & the New Evangelization: Choking the Weeds with Wheat.”
Learn more about Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by visiting