Pornography Help
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Break Free


of Pornography Use and Addiction

Pornography Help


In 2015, the Catholic bishops of the United States released a pastoral letter addressing the issue of pornography in American society. In Create in Me a Clean Heartthe bishops teach:

  • From the beginning of all time, God’s beautiful plan for each of us has been inscribed into our hearts and into our bodies. Our Church continues to hand on what we received from Christ Jesus. Each of us – male and female – is created in the image and likeness of God.  Each of us is a gift, with inviolable dignity. Each one of us is a beloved child of God.
  • The Church’s teaching on the great harm and sinfulness of pornography comes from our greater understanding of the dignity and beauty of the human person as revealed by Christ Jesus, and the gift of human sexuality and marriage in God’s plan.  
  • Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties.  It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other.  It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others.  It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2354)

This page exists for all in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to better understand the morality and threat of pornography, as well as find healing and support for themselves and their loved ones who have used or are addicted to pornography.

What's the Big Deal?


28,258 people watch porn each second.

64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women watch porn at least once per month.

57% of teens search out porn on a monthly basis.

68% of divorce cases involved one party meeting a new lover over the Internet.

56% involved one party having “an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.”


Pornography deeply harms the men, women, and children who view it and has been declared a public health issue in over 16 states. Porn, in addition to being gravely sinful, damages trust and intimacy in marriages, creates a distorted view of sexuality, and normalizes the victimization of and violence against women

Not convinced?


Am I Addicted?


If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may have a disordered attachment or addiction to pornography. 

  • Each time I view pornography, I promise myself that it will be the last time. But it never is
  • I struggle to stop thinking about pornography during times when I am not viewing it
  • I spend more time and/or money on pornography than I realize
  • I choose viewing pornography over time with my family, my friends, or even my work
  • I feel like I can't stop myself from viewing pornography
  • Pornography has damaged my marriage, my family, or even my job
  • I fear that someone will find out about my viewing pornography

What Should I Do?


Freedom from pornography is a process, but not a process you must endure alone.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Realize you are not alone. Millions of men and women struggle with pornography usage. The fact that you are here is already an important first step!
  2. Run to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. When we receive God’s forgiveness, we take our addiction out of the darkness and into the light. Your priest can help you seek help for your addiction.
  3. Seek help. There are many excellent recovery programs. Scroll below to find accountability, professional counseling, and other resources to help you on the road to recovery.
  4. Have patience with yourself. People who struggle with pornography often feel guilt and shame when they stumble. Keep going and never give up. Trust in the Lord, especially when you fail.
  5. Look to Mary. Our Blessed Mother is our model of purity and helps her children grow in purity of heart, mind, and body. Praying the Rosary has helped many, many men and women free themselves from pornography addiction.
  6. Take courage. We are not fighting merely physical urges and realities, but spiritual ones as well. Freeing ourselves from the sins that bind us takes courage. Pray for the Gift of Courage from the Holy Spirit to do what you must to be free from porn.

Resources & Support


All resources listed on this website are provided as general information and are not specifically endorsed or recommended by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We do provide some background information on resources, where appropriate, to help readers discern whether a resource fits their needs. Readers needing individual guidance in relation to their specific circumstances should seek personal advice from qualified legal, medical, or counseling professionals.

s = Secular or non-Catholic resource. While these resources may help with pornography addiction and healing, they may differ from the teachings of the Catholic Church in other areas, including morality, sexuality, and marriage. Each individual and family should judge the helpfulness of these groups based on their own needs and criteria and when appropriate, supplement this support with teaching grounded in solid Catholic theology.

Spouse & Couple Support
Non-Catholic Programs & Support
Books & Podcasts



For Parents
For Parishes

Break-Free Resources

Contact our office for free copies of our pornography resources, which direct people to this page. All resources are also available in Spanish.


Contact Us


Doug Ulaszek
Associate Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
 Adult & Family

Tori Franke
Natural Family Planning Coordinator

Jennifer Murphy
Program & Events Coordinator

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