St. John Paul II Parish / Parroquia San Juan Pablo II - Milwaukee
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Parish Detail

St. John Paul II Parish / Parroquia San Juan Pablo II

Parish Office
3307 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215-5116

Contact Us


Mailing Address

3307 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215-5116

Online Donations

Help us continue to provide important ministries to our community.

Make a Gift

We invite you to worship at our 2 sites:

1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215
3329 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Welcome to St. John Paul II a multicultural and faith-filled Catholic Community. SJPII offers Mass in English and Spanish at both our churches for you to attend. Here you will find information on the history of our parishes, St. John Paul II, St. Alexander and St. Helen, our Mass Schedule, Weekly Bulletin, our school St. John Paul II Catholic School (Elementary & Middle Schools), parish/community events and more. As you look through our website, you will become more familiar with what our parish has to offer. As you become more acquainted with us, you may find an area in which to share your gifts and talent with us.

"Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look forward to the future with confidence". - St. John Paul II

Bienvenido a la Iglesia San Juan Pablo II, una comunidad católica multicultural y llena de fe. SJPII ofrece misa en inglés y español en nuestras dos iglesias para que usted asistir. Aquí encontrará información sobre la historia de nuestras parroquias, San Juan Pablo II, San Alejandro y Santa Elena, nuestro horario de misas, del boletín semanal, nuestra Escuela Catolica San Juan Pablo II (Primaria y Secundaria)  eventos parroquiales / comunitarios y más. Al ver nuestro sitio web (website,) se familiarizará con lo que nuestra parroquia tiene para ofrecer. A medida que se familiarice con nosotros, puede considerar un área en la que compartirías sus dones y talento con nosotros.

“Recordemos el pasado con gratitud, vivamos el presente con entusiasmo y veamos el futuro con confianza". - San Juan Pablo II

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Mass TimesChange Dates>>

Thursday January 23, 2025

8:15 AM

Daily Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

Friday January 24, 2025

8:15 AM

Daily Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

Saturday January 25, 2025

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English & Espanòl

4:00 PM

Saturday Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

5:00 PM

Sábado Misa

San Juan Pablo II - Santa Elena3329 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Misa en español

Sunday January 26, 2025

8:30 AM

Domingo Misa

San Juan Pablo II - San Alejandro1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Misa en español

8:30 AM

Sunday Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Helen Church3329 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

10:30 AM

Sunday Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Helen Church3329 S. 10th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

11:30 AM

Domingo Misa

San Juan Pablo II - San Alejandro1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Misa en español

Monday January 27, 2025

8:15 AM

Daily Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction / Adoración Eucaíistica & Bendición

St. Alexander Church / San Alejandro1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English & Espanól

Tuesday January 28, 2025

8:15 AM

Daily Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Helen Church3329 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass, School Mass

Wednesday January 29, 2025

8:15 AM

Daily Mass

St. John Paul II Parish - St. Alexander Church1568 W. Holt Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

English Mass, School Mass

6:30 PM


San Juan Pablo II - Santa Elena3329 S. 10th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Misa en español

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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