National and Global Appeals: initiated by the USCCB and vital to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Let us have faith. Catholics in America, the faithful of all backgrounds, are good and generous people. Even in difficult economic times they are supportive of the Church’s work through financial contributions, in service, and with prayer. As leaders we need to trust them to make decisions about their generosity. We must give them the opportunity to support each national collection, to hear about and pray for the needs of the Church in our nation and throughout the world, and to live as faithful stewards as they give generously so that “gifts may be given to them” (cf. Lk 6:38). It is the ministry of the bishops and the responsibility of local and national leaders assisting the bishops to give the faithful the opportunity to be inspired by the breadth and depth of the Church’s outreach through these collections. We must also increase our trust in God’s providence that we will be able to meet the needs in our dioceses that present themselves while meeting the ongoing needs of the Universal Church. (USCCB, One Church, One Mission, 8)
To learn more about why the Church instituted national collections, including the canonical and scriptural foundations, continue reading the USCCB's mandate: One Church, One Mission.
In the mid-1980s, the Council of Priests in the Archdiocese of Milwaukeee decided to combine when collections who be taken up for various ministries that the USCCB prescribed. The rationale was to eliminate reoccurring requests for donations, because frequent requests were not yielding fruitful returns for ministries scheduled in later months. As a result of the study, the first Combined Collections Program began across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in 1989.
Today, the collections are taken twice a year, with one collection focusing more on national ministries and the other focusing more on international ministries. The collections are taken up by parishes and through mailings every June and October.
Every October, parishioners are asked to donate to support these global ministries. Click on the links to find out why supporting these ministries is so important.
World Mission Sunday
Catholic Home Missions
Catholic Relief Services
Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Collection for the Works of the Holy Father: Peter's Pence
Every June, parishioners are asked to support these national ministries. Click on the links below for more information on these ministries.
Black and Indian Missions
Catholic Communications Campaign
Retirement Fund for Religious
Catholic University of America
Donate Now
You may also make a donation by mailing your check (made out to Combined Collections) to:
Archdiocese of Milwaukee - Development Office Combined Collections P.O. Box 070912 Milwaukee, WI 53207
For questions, please call Michele Nabih at 414-769-3323.
Please Give Generously!
Poster: 11X17
Bulletin Inserts: Black and White | Color
Bulletin Ads: Black and White | Color
Pastor Packet: June 2024 (includes significent dates, bulletin and pulpit announcements)
Digital Graphic: Color
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235