Keyboard shortcuts for your web browser
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Keyboard shortcuts for your web browser

Several useful keyboard shortcuts available when using a web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and others.

There are several useful keyboard shortcuts available when using a web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and others.

Ctrl + N = New browser window
Ctrl + T = Opens a new Tab in the current browser window
Ctrl + Shift + T = Reopens the last Tab you closed
Ctrl + D = Lets you add a bookmark or favorite of the current page
Ctrl + tab = Lets you switch between any open tabs

F3 = Find (search for text on the current page)
F5 = Refresh the page
F11 = Forces the window to full screen

These handy techniques can simplify your daily web browsing tasks.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
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