Finding Moments to Pray

Whether you’re a parent, a student, a worker or retiree, amidst a busy day, it may be challenging to find time to pray. We know prayer is important, we want to pray, but the chaos of our lives too often intervenes.
The sacred is woven into every moment and aspect of our lives, if we but pause to notice. How about uncovering God in some of those moments?
A Dozen Ways to Pray During a Busy Day
- As you first awaken, even amid the grogginess, ask God to bless the day to come.
- While showering or bathing, dedicate your efforts, words, attitudes and actions of the day ahead to God.
- When walking or driving, thank God for the beauty brought with each changing season.
- When you’re tempted toward impatience with a situation or person, focus on a special blessing in your life.
- Before you eat a meal or snack, appreciate all that nourishes your body and spirit, and ask God’s blessing for those in need.
- When entering a meeting or class, pray for openness to the Spirit’s presence therein.
- When you hang up after a call from a loved one (or finish reading an e-mail or letter), thank God for all the people who enrich your life.
- When you’re feeling a bit tired or cranky, pray for people afflicted with serious physical, mental or emotional illness.
- As you read the paper or listen to the news, ask God’s blessing on those suffering from the violence of nature or the human heart. 10.
- When you think of the children important to you, ask God to protect the many little ones who have been neglected or abused.
- As you open the door to your house or apartment, pray for those with no home to go to.
- When you crawl into bed at night, thank God for the abundant wonders of the world around you.