Lay Pension
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Lay Pension

Assists employees of the archdiocese with their retirement.

The primary function of the Lay Pension Department is to serve employees of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in assisting with their retirement. The Lay Pension Department authorizes benefit payments, answers participant questions and administers the provisions of the plan to ensure it is fair to everyone. The Lay Pension Department also handles life insurance inquiries.

Would you like to learn more about your pension eligibility and benefits? Please visit the Lay Employee Pension Tool

All will be able to view:

  • Plan information such as the Summary Plan Description
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Links to retirement resources including Social Security, Medicare and the IRS

Username and password are required to access the Lay Employee Pension Tool​. If you need login credentials, please contact to request.

Current Eligible Employees will be able to view:

  • Vesting/Anticipated Vesting Date
  • Estimated accrued monthly pension benefit
  • The pension estimation tool to model different retirement scenarios (i.e.: What is my estimated accrued monthly pension if I retire in 2023? Or 2025?)
  • Saved benefit projections
  • Update contact information including phone number and email address

Vested Former Employees will be able to:

  • Initiate the process to start receiving your pension
  • View benefit payment options
  • Upload documents which are needed to verify your identity
  • Update contact information including home address, phone number and email address

Retirees will be able to:

  • Change tax withholdings
  • View payments received
  • Update contact information including home address, phone number and email address


Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the Lay Pension Plan for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. 

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  What is vesting?

Vesting means that you have earned enough membership service credit to qualify for a pension.  Six years of continuous full-time employment are required to become vested.

  How long does it take to become vested in the Plan?

As a full-time lay employee, you automatically become a participant in the Archdiocese Pension Plan after you complete one year of full-time service. After becoming a participant of the Pension Plan, you begin building your pension service. For each year you work at least 30 hours a week (or for eight consecutive months if your regular employment period is the school year), you earn credit for one year of membership service. Once you earn five continuous years of membership service, you qualify for a lifetime pension when you reach retirement age. Those individuals working less than 30 hours per week are not eligible for this plan benefit.

  May I continue to work within the Archdiocese and receive my pension?

You may receive your pension while continuing to work at the Archdiocese and its parishes and schools if you work less than 30 hours per week. You may NOT work full time and receive your pension. Your pension will be suspended if you resume full-time employment within the Archdiocese.

  Do you offer a beneficiary option for the pension benefit?

We offer a normal benefit option and a joint and survivor option. You will choose your beneficiary option when you apply for your pension.

  When should I apply for my pension?

You need to submit completed forms no later than 60 days and no earlier than 90 days prior to your desired benefit commencement date. Username and password are required to access the Lay Employee Pension Tool. If you need login credentials, please contact to request.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408